Saturday, March 12, 2005

Noble public servants

My boyfriend is considering going into law enforcement. Many people, upon learning of this plan, have asked me if I have a problem with my boyfriend exploring such a dangerous career. My response is always that I could not be more proud of a man who is willing to put himself into danger's way in order to protect the public. There is no more noble endeavor.

Just a couple of weeks ago, in Tyler, Texas, a man shot and killed law enforcement officers, his ex-wife, and an innocent by-stander on the front steps of the courthouse... a courthouse that I have entered a number of times in my short career as an attorney. It is so very strange to think that on any given day, I could have been on those steps.

And then, just yesterday, a man shot and killed a law enforcement officer, a judge, and a court reporter in a courthouse in Atlanta. Public servants, all three, lost their lives simply because of their career choice. They were murdered while going about their daily business.

My heart is filled with sadness every time someone loses their life, but the injustice of a public servant being slain is almost unbearable. I have unmeasurable respect for anyone who is willing to take a job in the public sector. A police officer's sole responsibility is to protect and serve the community. A judge's calling is to dispense justice and help find resolutions to conflicts in a peaceful manner. While most people go to work to earn a living, these public servants go to work to make the lives of those in the community better and safer.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of those public servants who have lost their lives while going about their noble business. And to my dear boyfriend, I will honestly say that I could not be more proud of your choice to serve the public.

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