Monday, May 09, 2005

Cow Town

Go west, young woman! On May 23, 2005, I will join the working masses in Fort Worth, Texas. I have decided to hang up my Big D hat, travel along I-30, and become a school law attorney in Cow Town. Yee-ha!

To be honest, leaving my first "real" job is not easy. I have made many friends, and I will miss the daily contact with all of them. My boss, for example, has been a tremendous mentor to me. He has taught me so much about the practice of law generally, and representing municipalities specifically. I feel so fortunate to have started my law school career under his guidance.

But onward and upward! I have decided to take an opportunity in Fort Worth that will allow me to fully focus my career on the representation of Texas public schools. Fortunate and blessed, indeed.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am so happy for you! You move west and I move east. Love you so much!