Friday, September 02, 2005

Remember me?!

Long time, no blog. I suspect I have lost the tons (er, three) people that actually read this thing, but I am going to attempt to restart my occasional accounts of the clumsy life of me.

I'll give a short run down of the last three months:

Job - good. Better than old job. More interesting and bringing excitement and moments of joy.

Boyfriend - very good. Loving and wonderful. Couldn't be luckier.

Weight - suck-o. Couldn't be heavier or more disappointed in weight loss efforts. Surely will be subject of future entries.

Music - awesome. Since last entry had the honor of seeing Green Day live. Holy snot. It was freakin' awesome. The energy was fantastic and the music was exceptional.

Residence - changed to Fort Worth. Great new apartment that I am still trying to unpack. Enjoy being closer to job and boyfriend.

And that is the basic factoids of the past 90ish days. I'll try to be more vigilant in entertaining all of you with my stories of weight loss, clumsiness, music adventures, and the like. In the mean time, send some cash to the Red Cross to help out our cajun neighbors.

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