Sunday, November 18, 2007

Football all the way

Are you a Colts lover or hater? I'm a fan. They aren't the Cowboys, but probably a second favorite for me. BH is big Patriots fan, and, therefore, is not exactly a Colts supporter. He believes Peyton calls too many audibles--or at least that is his stated reason. I think he dislikes him because he's good. Really good. Peyton is not just a good player (he is unquestionably that), but he's spectacular at selling himself. He's so likable. His commercials are funny, and he was so amusing on SNL. In the famous words of a favorite nephew of ours--I like it.

In today's sports world, it isn't always enough to be a good player. You need to be likable to get the big money from Gatorade, Nike, and the like. As a Cowboys fan, I am so glad Romo seems to have learned that lesson. All those smiles never hurt anybody. And that likability sure sells a lot of jerseys. So maybe it isn't football all the way--it's football 3/4 of the way and personality fills in the rest.

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