Sunday, January 06, 2008


I have a degree in political science. A decade ago I enjoyed government and politics. In the last 5 years I have become almost completely disenchanted with politics. All the jargon and hot air has left me hopeless, or at least feeling a political numbness. I have found it much more difficult to care--and that's sad.

My time to believe again is now. I know my Republican friends are groaning, but I really do feel excited about a candidate for the first time since college. Obama has an unmistakable JFK quality to him. I'm sold. And even better, I'm feeling a bit hopeful. And if you aren't yet hopeful, give this a try:
Iowa victory speech
More for your viewing pleasure:


Amy said...

I totally agree!

Kadawan said...

This one surprised me but it's been years since you and I actually got to sit & talk any politics!

I've got Hope! Obama 2008